Friday, September 11, 2009

Photos from 35 weeks

I've been slacking on the blogging duties, but here are a few pictures Liz took for Jesh and I.

Friday, July 24, 2009


The puppies finally opened their eyes! I've tried to get some pictures of their faces, but they're a little wiggly :o)The little boy trying to escape the cage

The little girl seems to find her way into the food bowl a lot...
By the way, if anyone is interested in a boy chihuahua puppy let us know :o)

Camping and the Creek

We've been able to do a little camping in Sedona with the Garcias this summer and we took two of our nephews to the creek to play in the water a couple weeks ago...The first s'more ever...yum.

It was a tad rainy, so Uncle Jesh made some ponchos

Jesh showing the wood who's boss :o)

Micah gettin' some air

Christian's funny face - ? :o)

If you're tired enough, even a picnic bench looks good

Little cold...

Superheroes :o)

My knight in shining armor :o)

31 weeks!

I've been feeling great through the whole pregnancy, but with a little heater inside me it's been pretty hot around here! I'm also noticing my belly more - it's takes a little maneuvering to get socks on or paint my toenails :o)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Two pregnant ladies in one house...

One of our long-haired chihuahuas, Lola, was keeping me company in being pregnant the past couple months, but on July 4th she gave birth to three puppies. Sadly, one of them didn't make it because of complications with his stomach. The remaining two, a boy and a girl, are doing great though and growing rapidly! The dark brown one is a girl and has a white marking similar to her papi, Pico de Gallo (who has only seen the puppies from a distance!) The boy has Lola's exact coloring and is very cute as well. I'm just waiting for when they'll open their eyes and look around... In case you're wondering, we are NOT keeping the puppies. We have a few friends who have offered good homes. As adorable as they are, we have learned what a handful just Lola and Pico can be!

Family Fun

In June we had a chance to get together with the whole Garcia family and then go to Tucson and celebrate Mom, Abby and Grandma's birthdays with everybody there. It was great to have everyone together to just laugh and eat some good food :o)

A bit overdue...25 weeks

This was June 20th - growing a little bit! At 25 weeks my belly had grown a little, but it felt like a lot more! Jesh and I enjoyed a day in the sun and took a few pictures with our new camera (which he got for us for when Reese makes her debut!)

Friday, June 26, 2009

Pictures on the Way!

Jesh and I have new pictures to post, but the computer is being a bit unruly these days! As soon as we can get to the pictures we'll put some up.
I did have another ultrasound a week ago and Reese is moving around and growing just the way she should! It was great to be able to see her again and see what a graceful little girl she is :o)
Pics to come!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Ultrasound Pictures!

Jesh and I went last Wednesday to get an ultrasound of the baby to make sure all the measurements are good and to find out if it was a boy or girl. We were both expecting a boy for some reason, so to find out it was a GIRL was a little surprise! But a great surprise, and the best part was that she looks healthy and is measuring at the right marks for the September 23rd due date. We already had our names picked out, so it was fun to be able to leave the doctor's office already talking about little Reese Ann. Jesh feels a little like a fish out of water since he grew up with all boys and, so far, all the nephews are boys (he keeps asking me, what do you do with a girl??)...but I know that he will be an awesome dad to little Reese, he's already got so much love for her :o) Part of the reason we wanted to tell everyone her name is that so all of you can be in prayer for this little one. Again and again I feel God reminding me that so much of her is already formed, He holds her little life in His hands, and it's never too soon to be interceding for her little heart.
Well, here are two of the sonograms we got to take home. I can already tell she's a cutie :o) The profile shot shows her head on the right, face up, and her stomach and ribs on the left. The other shot is her "girl" shot. She was sitting on the umbilical cord the whole time, so the tech was trying to get her to move so we could see for sure, but by the end the tech was sure she was a girl because if it was a boy we would've seen something else :o)
Enjoy Reese's first photographs, we definitely have!

Monday, April 27, 2009

19 Weeks

Time is flying by...I'm almost half way there! We have an ultrasound in about a week and a half to find out if its a boy or girl (boy, boy, boy! Jesh says). You can now definitely tell I'm preggers, it's weird and exciting at the same time :o)

Friday, March 20, 2009

There's someone on the way...

As some of you know, Jesh and I are expecting a little one! I am about 13 weeks along and am due September 23rd. We are so excited and interested to see where God takes us through all of this! We feel extremely blessed and can't wait to meet him or her. Please keep us in your prayers and I'll be updating this site with photos and news whenever I can. If you're reading this I'm only guessing that you're close to us, so congrats to you too - there's a new family member on the way!!