Friday, July 13, 2012

Caedmon James G. Garcia

I had wondered for months what labor and delivery would be like this time and tried my best not to expect the same situation and circumstances as Reese's birth (which, as far as home births go, was remarkably calm and pretty fast).  But nothing really could have prepared me for this time around...

I woke up in the early morning hours on Wednesday with contractions that were strong enough that I had to get out of bed to walk them out.  They continued every 30 minutes until my alarm went off and I had to get ready for work.  I knew these were the real thing, but with them being so far apart still I didn't want to sit around the house waiting for them to get stronger and closer together.  So... I went to work.

By 9am the contractions had virtually stopped and I was bummed :o)  Once they get going, you just want to progress and get moving.  Jesh took me to lunch (we work in the same building) and they began to pick up so when we returned around 1pm they were consistently about 20 minutes apart.  My boss kept looking at me like a ticking time bomb, reminding me to leave whenever I felt like I needed to...hint, hint.  I knew I wouldn't be back for the next six weeks, so I was trying to finish a few things and then I would leave.  Turns out I only left 10 minutes before I normally do at 3pm.

I headed home and reminded Jesh that Reese needed to be picked up at the babysitter's house at 3:30pm.  When I left work contractions were 15 minutes apart but when I got home they jumped to every 5 min.  I called my midwife, Becky, and "gave her a heads up" as to where I was at.  She headed home to get her things and told me to call her when I wanted her to come.  A couple minutes later I texted Jesh to "try to hurry".  Later Jesh told me I really didn't convey the urgency of the situation...oops ;o)  I knew he was on his way so I figured he would be there in time.

Labor progressed faster than I could have imagined and by 3:45pm there was no break in between contractions and I felt like I could start pushing.  Only problem was I was home alone.  Jesh and Becky were on their way as fast as they could possibly go (believe me...Jesh pulled into the driveway with the car smoking...) Jesh got home at 4pm and, after talking to Becky while racing home, was prepared to deliver Caedmon if he had to.  Five minutes later Becky arrived and ran in the house and...15 minutes later Caedmon was here! This is, of course, the condensed version of the story :o)  But most importantly, Caedmon was perfect and healthy and I was fine - thank you Lord!

Caedmon James G. Garcia
Born 4:21 pm
8 lbs. 1 oz. 21 in. long

My dad brought Reese over to see Caedmon before she had a sleepover at his and Auntie Robin's house.

We feel beyond blessed to have our family of four!  Thank you, Lord, for your perfect plan and timing!

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